We are very pleased with the progress this week, and are so grateful for your prayers and everything the Lord has done to answer them. Things are opening up for the area to rocket off again! Wahooo! Please pray for both of us to truly enjoy the work, be excited to wake up in the morning, have energy, success in getting things moving and accomplished in the area, the members to step it up, our Bishop to be re-energized, and for S. Iosefa to be able to learn the area quickly, the language, and develop the confidence she needs. Yeah, I know that's a lot of stuff, but we need it and I know it helps! Thanks! Marami, maraming salamat!
Spiritual: 4th Nephi & Mormon Chapter 1. Here we see the dissolution of Zion and the return of the original state of things from the beginning when Lehi and his family arrived in the land (4 Ne v. 39). Because of the wickedness and willful rebellion of the people, Mormon is forbidden to preach the Word of God unto them, even though he desires to (Mormon 1:16-17). We learn from these passages the importance of studying history, especially spiritual history (not to mention the avoidance of pride, but that is a whole different topic). A people who had such a great set-up gave it up and repeated the Same. Exact. Mistake. as their forefathers somehow thinking it was going to turnout better this time. Yeah. The results were disastrous, and even worse than that before. For us: this means we need to not only read, but apply the things we learn and avoid making the same mistakes as those we learn of in the scriptures. Otherwise all we will end up doing is continue to repeat the sins of the past with disastrous results and no progression. Remember, nothing but evil can be gained by willfully rejecting the laws and statues of God!
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