Monday, June 25, 2012


This has been such a great week!  We had awesome attendance for our ward conference, and we were close if not spot on (or over) with all of our goals! It is so nice for Sister Roper and me to taste of the fruits of our labor together.  We had great lessons, great progression, and now we are working to make sure we maintain all of that.  The mercy of God has really been extended this week to us and those we teach.  Another awesome thing that happened--through which I experienced the most joy I have felt in a very long time--is some of the sisters in our ward who were unsure of serving missions have now announced they will be going and are making the plans!  The one that gave me the most joy was the sister who was my companion for our One Day Mission.  She is so great, and will have a great influence as a missionary.
We are having a lot of fun and enjoying ourselves.  Nothing specifically funny to tell you about, just a lot of laughing.  We all have fun teasing each other, telling jokes, and just having fun--while working hard, of course.  Some of our favorite jokes are You Know You're a Missionary When.....  That is what happens when you and your companion, and everyone in the apartment, is at the one year mark or just about there! 

Spiritual:  I just gave a lesson in District Meeting, based on PMG Ch 6: Christlike Attributes.  I really liked the opportunity to have some things become more clear and simply laid out for me.  Basically, as missionaries we are representatives of Jesus Christ.  Therefore we should become like Him.  But not just us--all people!  It is our goal to become like Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father, is it not?  But we have weaknesses--Ether 12:27--we overcome them by humbling ourselves and coming to Christ.  Well, how do we do that?  Our purpose:  to invite others to come unto Christ through His restored Gospel!  As it says in PMG pg 115, the gospel is the enabling power through the Atonement by which we can change and become like God and Jesus Christ.  As we humble ourselves and become willing to change and live the Gospel, we become more and more like our Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ, until that perfect day in which we will "know Him, because we will be like Him."  This is what we should all be working for--to personally know Them, and help others to do the same!

Have a great, awesome week and enjoy your time on Trek and in Cali!  I sure miss you, and Keefer, good luck convincing them to go to a good roller coaster place!  Give all my love to Grandma and Grandpa Biggs!  Things are rockin' here!

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