Thanks for all your prayers, I really appreciate them. I am glad to hear that Michael is doing so well, and a baptism! YAY! I am so excited for you my brother, and I am happy that you received the honor of baptizing him. Keep up the awesome work!
I participate in MTC choir every week, and the songs are always so great. I had a feeling this week that I should share the one we sang: "I Marvel at the Miracle" I feel like it is really important to share this highlighted 3rd verse. Lyrics by John V. Pearson, music by Janice Kapp Perry.
I pled with God to shed his grace
And take away my sin.
He did and, yet, I turned away
And stumbled once again.
At last I knelt before His throne
And offered Him my soul.
He wept, then gave it back to me
Renewed, and washed, and whole.
I wonder at the grace divine
And power to redeem;
That Christ alone could overcome
And change eternity.
My thanks cannot sufficient be.
My praise is incomplete.
For all I pay, my debt remains
For God's great gift to me.
TRC: We gave a 40 min lesson this week instead of 2 20 min lessons. So great! We still went a little over time, but we think we were jipped a little time-wise. We taught 2 freshly returned missionaries--they had returned July 28th, which was really funny because we went into the MTC on July 27th. We had a nice chat with them and talked to them about the difficulties in adjusting to "normal life" after having everything schedule out for you, and how hard it is to make the life-important decision (both going to BYU). It was so awesome at the end to call down the powers of heaven for them, and speak to them about things I had no way of knowing. I told them that the extremely important decisions in life--major, career, when to start a family--are so important that if we treat them lightly God will not help us with them. My promise to them (in a nutshell) was that God wanted to reward them for their service but they 1st needed to demonstrate their faith in Him (as Sister Cope had told them), and think about what they wanted in life. What careers their major would lead them to, if they wanted those careers, and what kind of family life they would have if they chose that vocation. Only after they had made a plan and decided what they wanted would the Lord answer clearly to them if that was right or wrong, and what path they should take. So cool.
Thoughts during personal study: one morning I was thinking about the commandment of the Lord to missionaries that they must leave everything behind. Many see that as a hardship, but I see it as a blessing. I was thinking that if I had to worry about everything back home plus doing my best to serve the Lord I would go insane. This leaving behind everything is one of the greatest commandments/blessings I think. We get to serve the Lord and do only that, while at the same time He takes care of everything back home for us in a way that is best for us (although some people don't always see that when they get home). We are blessed many times over for serving. How awesome is that?!!
1) I have been playing the piano in sacrament a lot, and also for our sacrament meeting musical numbers. On Sunday the two districts that were leaving were practicing their parting song, when Sister Cope and I heard "Who is playing the piano for us? Someone go ask Sister Biggs, has anyone asked her yet?" She and I started laughing as some of them walked down the hall to us. They were so confused. It was really funny.
2) We had some funny things from two different progressing investigators. One was a guy that wanted to know where we lived. We said "Quezon City" and he said where? We just repeated "Quezon City" somewhere. He gave us a really weird look and asked us if we knew where we lived. We finally got it across that it was bawal, or forbidden. That confused him and he said that we knew where he lived, why couldn't he know where we lived? We said we would explain next time. The other was a mother who asked us if we were married, and how our kids were. When we said we weren't married she asked us "Why? You are beautiful girls! Are you here to marry a Pinoy [Philippino]?" Nooo...... "I know lots of Pinoy boys I can find you one to marry".....We finally explained to her that it was forbidden for us as missionaries. Then she was okay. It was so funny, I burst out laughing several times.
3) So during lunch one day Elder Waite looked in my direction, but not at me, then back at the person he was talking to. I was bored, and I suddenly got this idea to wiggle my eyebrows at him the next time he looked in my direction. I leaned down to Sister Cope and invited her to join me. We put our heads together and stared at him until he looked at us, then we wiggled our eyebrows at him. So funny! Later he told us it was pretty creepy. We would have done it to any of the Elders in our district....he was in the right spot at the right time!
The two oldest districts have left, and now we are the oldest. So weird. Sister Cope and I miss them at mealtimes because they were so funny and kept us well entertained. Our Elders are doing okay as far as that is concerned. One of the Elders in our zone drank 16 glasses of orange juice for lunch one day. So gross.
I have been released as coordinating sister, and now it is Sister Tatafu. So nice to not have to go to meetings anymore!
Okay Mom, I will get the addresses of those you could send packages to! Elder Su'a in our district, his family is in Samoa so he does not get any packages. If you want to send him homemade treats that would be great for him. He has the same address as me, just address it to "Elder Su'a". They loved the cookies btw, and said you could even put more coconut in them. Everyone loves your banana bread. Sister 'Ofa and Sister Tatafu were jokingly fighting over some the other day :D
I love you my family and have a great week!
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