Hey pamilia!
Another good week: time goes by so quickly! I got your banana bread mom, and my patriarchal blessing. Thank you so much. The bread was gone so fast! You are hero worshipped here ;) No, the Elders have not made me die of laughter yet. I will let you know if they do. I really enjoyed the Keefer zoo story. It made me laugh. Keefer, you are so cute!
The TRC yesterday was great, but not quite the overwhelming experience it was last week. It still is so cool to be able to promise specific blessings to people from the Lord. I will never get tired of it. Is this some of what you feel like when you give priesthood blessings, dad?
(Dad here, answering kat's question: Yes!)
I am starting to feel a bit of a plateau with my language learning....will you pray for me to have my mind opened to be able to hold all that I must learn? Thank you :D [specifically remembering verbs, what they mean, and the different conjugations that they have--it is not like latin languages where it is apparent, it is a bit like English and right now feels random to me]
Funny stories:
1. I brush my teeth after every meal (or at least try to), and the Elders have been teasing me about it. Sister Cope has started to do it a little bit as well. Lately they have been talking about "cupcakes". We found out what that meant on Wednesday, when after lunch they all took their toothbrushes and toothpaste out, shook them at us, and proceeded to the bathroom to brush. They called it "operation cupcake". It was hilarious. Just as funny was that Sister Cope could not stop laughing! When we went to the bathroom to brush our teeth she was still laughing so hard that our teacher came by and asked us what was going on.
2. Teaching our progressing investigator: we were teaching him how to pray, and we wanted him to pray with his family, so we read to him 3 Ne. 18:18-21 and asked him to pray to his family. Yeah, apparently I asked him to pray TO his family. So funny. He got this really confused look on his face and said something about praying to God. That is when we realized what I had said. We finally ended up reading vs. 21 to him to get the idea across. It was a morning of language faux-pas (?). The Elders (Barrow & Herr) who taught him before us came in saying "We asked him to kneel in prayer with us, but then he just started laughing hysterically! What did we say??????!!!!!" When we came back, we found out that instead of asking him to kneel, they had asked him to drown with them! How funny is that! One of my favorite funnies of the week!
Tagalog can be a tricky, but easy language at the same time. One must be careful though, because if you mix two noun markers up (no articles in this language), you can end up saying "Jesus killed the people" instead of "the people killed Jesus", really easily. Thankfully I don't think any of us have had a huge problem witht that so far.
Dad, did you share that same scripture (D&C 19:29-31) with Michael? I think it could help with his companion..... Thank you so much for that by the way, I really like it! I am glad you are enjoying the fun language mistakes. We really had quite the laugh....and are still laughing about it! So exciting about Keefer's friend. Guess what? There are quite a few missionaries in our district from New Zealand, or the islands. Two of the sisters that just left were from there, and one of the new sisters that came in on Wednesday is also from there, plus some more Elders. So 4 sisters came in: 1 from New Zealand, 1 from Riverton UT, 1 from Tonga, and another from a really tiny tiny island by Figi. According to Sister Stott (our Branch President's wife) she is the second missionary to ever come from that island. So now our room is split in half: 3 white girls, and 3 girls from the islands! They seem to be adjusting okay, and we will see how it goes. So much to do for a Coordinatin Sister! We (myself and the two zone leaders) oriented them on Wednesday night and on Thursday night. So glad I am not a Zone leader and in charge of a bunch of Elders. I only have to worry about 6 people. It is great!
Thanks you so much my family! I love you tons! [And I luva luva luva you too momma meatball! ;D]
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