Thought while reading "Jesus The
Christ" when Peter chops off the ear of the servant on the Mount of
Olives in defense of Christ, Christ rebukes him. He makes a comment
about how if He prayed, God would send Him legions of angels. What I
want to point out here is the fact that He said prayed, indicating the
need to ask. We have recently had the problem with a lot of people
either being ashamed to ask our Heavenly Father for things or thinking
it is somehow disrespectful and bad. Here is the prime example of the
need. Jesus Christ did not say "If I need He will send them", but He
indicated that He needed to pray and ask first. If He needs to pray and
ask, how much more do we? Always remember his promise which is
everywhere in the scriptures.....ask and ye shall receive, etc., and
"and whatsoever ye ask the Father in my name, having faith, it will be
given unto you".
1) on Saturday people kept
inviting us to things. Really. For example, during our morning jog a
guy starting shouting at us "hey, hey you!". We weren't really sure it
was us, but on our next lap it was pretty clear when he was waiting for
us at the end of the street (probably taking pictures of us jogging on
his phone too) and started shouting again, asking us if we wanted to
"join them". Later we figured out that it was some sort of exercise
group. Go figure. Another example: as we were walking down the street
Sister Roper said "hello po" to a group of men playing cards. One
looked up and asked if we wanted to join. "No thanks...." Keep walking.
It was pretty smooth.
2) I have started pulling what we are calling "Sister Roper's",
because, obviously, it is stuff and mistakes that she usually does. Our
favorite is when we were singing "There is Sunshine in My Soul Today"
in Tagalog with one of our Less-Actives. At the end of the first verse
in the chorus, first verse mind you, instead of singing "si Jesus ay
kasama" (Jesus is with [me]) I sang "si Jesus ay masama".......Jesus is
evil. Ah! I looked at the songbook again and realized it was KAsama,
not MAsama! I kept singing hoping they had not heard, but then Sister
Roper gave me that look....yeah. She burst out laughing, and of
course, we all burst out laughing too, because, well, it is funny. It
was REALLY funny. None of us could sing for about 20 or 30 sec. because
we were laughing so hard. Every time we got to the chorus we would all
start laughing again. It is a miracle we were able to get through all
four verses of that hymn without dying on the floor because of laughter!
It is now the joke of the week...all one of us has to do is start
humming that hymn or say what I said and we start cracking up.
3) On Sunday Bishop locked me inside the church and I was
abandoned there for at least 30 min. It was great! No, he didn't do it
on purpose....this time he just didn't check the bathrooms before
locking up. I guess he was in a hurry too because the lights were
clearly on in both bathrooms. I enjoyed the quiet time
listening to the rain while I waited for Sister Roper to realize I had
been in the bathroom way too long. When she finally did come with the investigator we had just
taught (who is so awesome, such a smart girl) I heard her say, "Oh,
it's locked!" and then I started waving, which made them jump in fright
because apparently they had not seen me at the door because of
reflections on the glass. They were all (RS pres, her husband,
and her husband's younger sister who is our investigator) surprised that
I hadn't been scared. How could I be? I knew at some point in time
they would have to come out, and Heavenly Father wasn't about to abandon
me in a church building! Bishop isn't going to hear the end of that
one for a while! ;p