My P-day is on Fridays....long time ha ha. Yeah, apparently the whole MTC started the program on wednesday. Both Sister Cope and I believe that we were all purposely sent here together. Especially her and me. Apparently her availability date was June as well. Also, we know that the two districts that came in ahead of us had no sisters, even though the two of us were ready to go earlier. All in the Lord's time and the Lord's way. He knows best. We have the most awesome district, and the Elders make Sister Cope and I laugh so much, it is great. Although I think sometimes too much....we need to focus a lot more during study time.
Yeah, I have been getting frustrated with language class. My brain has not hurt yet, which makes me sad. I try and go ahead and teach myself a lot, which works, but sometimes the things in the book they gave us do not make a whole lot of sense (it is the first draft). It just means I have more space for vocab, I guess. I have been doing about 20-30 words a day (besides what we do in class, but that is not a lot). I have seen the Lord's help with this, because I know he has helped me remember all of them, day to day. I find that when I wake up the next day I remember most all of them, and need very little review. It has been a great blessing. I just have to tell myself to be patient, and work as hard as I can, and I know the Lord will help me with my goal. I know the Lord is helping me grasp the language quickly and understand it, which I am very grateful for. Right now I feel that I am on the cusp of being able to start thinking in Tagalog, and more smoothly make sentences. That will be a lot easier when they teach us more about sentence structure and conjugation. Tagalog is a bit funky with that, and very different from the latin languages that way (no articles-kind of, and no "to be" verb).
I was asked to give the closing prayer on Sunday, and I did the entire thing in Tagalog. Everyone not in my district was so amazed. We can ask simple questions, pray, and bear our testimonies in Tagalog now. I am curious to see what they teach us next week, and if we get far enough along I may be able to go even farther on my own. I sure hope so. Well, the Lord knows what he is doing.
The Elders in my district absolutely love you now (banana bread). So does my Branch President, who happened by when I was sharing. Also the four other sisters in my zone, who are my roomates (and Sister Cope of course). They are leaving on Tuesday, so we hope that new sisters are coming in on Wednesday (especially my Branch President, who loves sisters--did I tell you that he was so diappointed when the group ahead of ours contained two districts of only Elders for him?). We are pretty sure there will be some because there are 40+ Tagalog missionaries coming in next week. We are pretty sure our zone (branch) will be getting at least one district, and maybe even two of those.
So on Sunday I was assigned to be coordinating sister. She is like the zone leader for the girls. Right now my job is really easy, and will be even easier if it is just Sister Cope and myself. But we are really hoping that sisters comes in on Wednesday so we won't be alone.
Dad, some of the Elders have been really impressed by my knowledge of weight lifting (they saw me doing it properly). I thought you would like to know that :D
Hi Keefer, Super Dave, and Jac! Keefer, you better start getting used to the idea of school again ;D Keefer, have fun in school! How has your job been going? I want to hear all about your awesome dates :D
I love you all,